Sunday, January 17, 2016

Speak Tagalog iOS App

Speaking Tagalog App is Fun
'SpeakTagalog' helps tourists and foreign students in the Philippines learn and speak Tagalog fast. It teaches the user conversational style of learning the Tagalog language instead of searching word meanings and phrases. Conversational data is stored locally on the iOS device using SQLite database so you don't have to be online to use the app.

This app was designed around table views who act as menus. Each cell of the table view further drills down to another menu until a detailed view is displayed. The final object of the view is another table view or a simple view.

As an example, the 'Introduction' is one of the main menu's features. Once 'Introduction' cell is selected or tapped another menu is displayed until a final view is displayed ('Introduction' -> 'Is It Filipino or Tagalog' -> detail view about the subject.)

The source of the table views or menus came from a SQLite database for iOS devices. All items (conversations, dictionaries, sections, and members) are stored in this local database so you don't have to be online to use the app.

The references came from at least 4 different books and online sources including I validated the words or phrases and their meanings then picked the best meanings, phrases, or sentences for this app.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

iPhone 'Instant Growth Chart Percentile' Calculator updated:

In App Store search for Instant Growth Chart.

What's New in this Version 
1. Correct spelling error
2. Set Unit default to English
3. Set Sex default to Female
4. Minor code corrections for unit and sex defaults
5. Added 'Axillary - 35.5-37.0 °C (96-99 °F)' to 'Normal Range of Child Temperature' in Temperature Converter
6. Added Remarks when computed BMI and CDC BMI descriptions do not match.
7. Updated support documentation in website

iPhone app 'BMI+ CDC Percentile Calculator' has been updated:

In App Store, search for BMI+ CDC.

What's New in this Version
1. Correct spelling error
2. Set Unit default to English
3. Set Sex default to Female
4. Minor code corrections for unit and sex defaults
5. Added 'Axillary - 35.5-37.0 °C (96-99 °F)' to 'Normal Range of Child Temperature' in Temperature Converter
6. Added Remarks when computed BMI and CDC BMI descriptions do not match
7. Updated support documentation in website

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Isolated Issues Using Instant Growth Chart Percentile

There are isolated issues during prolonged use of the Instant Growth Chart Percentile app. To resolve the issue, please follow the instructions below:

1. Delete the 'Instant Growth Chart Percentile' app from memory by double tapping the home key
2. Find for the 'Instant Growth Chart Percentile' icon then tap and hold it for a few seconds
3. Once the 'Instant Growth Chart Percentile' icon shows a '-' (negative) on the upper left, touch it again to delete it
4. Once the app is removed from memory, go back to the Instant Growth Chart Percentile app to use it normally.

Remarks Regarding BMI and CDC Percentile Descriptions Inconsistencies

There are several combinations of sex, age, height, weight, and BMI values that will result in inconsistent BMI and CDC Percentile descriptions. This is normal. These inconsistencies are common in the lower age ranges.

1.     BMI uses a well defined and established formula:

Metric: Weight in Kilograms / Height in Centimeters / Height in Centimeters * 10000
English: Weight in Pounds / Height in Inches / Height in Inches * 703

2.     CDC BMI values their descriptions are based on a series of percentile curves that illustrate the distribution of selected body measurements in children.

As an example:

Sex: Male
Age: 6 years old
Height: 48 inches
Weight: 60 pounds

Results in:
BMI Description: Underweight

How to Use BMI+ CDC App

Once you purchased and downloaded the 'BMI+ CDC' app from the Apple App Store or iTunes, you can use it to determine BMI percentile data for children and adult ages 2 years and above.

After measuring your or your child’s height and weight, 'touch' the unit (Metric or English) and sex, enter the age, height, and weight. For metric units, use kilogram for weight and centimeter for length. For English units, use pound for weight and inch for length. Enter parameters according to the unit of measurement selected.

To exit the virtual decimal keypad, touch anywhere outside the values entered.

Once satisfied with your entries, touch 'Calc' button to display the results. BMI has alerts to show valid values if you entered out of range values.

Determining BMI Classification

Computed BMI Percentile Data
BMI < 18.5 - Underweight
BMI >= 18.5 and <= 24.99 - Normal Weight
BMI >= 25.0 and <= 29.9 - Overweight
BMI > 30.0 - Obese

CDC Percentile Data
3rd Percentile - Underweight
5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, or 75th Percentile - Healthy Weight
85th or 90th Percentile - Overweight
95th or 97th Percentile - Obese